Saturday, April 23, 2005

sendmail load average

im newbie in sendmail (try to use a different MTA than qmail), last day i have trouble with my sendmail. the sendmail daemon wont receive and send the message.the log of the sendmail daemon told that

"sendmail[51879]: rejecting connections on daemon MTA: load
average: 14"

oh that so the problem.then ill tried to remove all the mail in queue, but nothing sendmail still say that he rejected.
oke lets try to look the process, wow what is that there is perl scripts with 60% CPU load. so maybe this process who make my sendmail reject everything, ill try to kill the process then the load average become normal then sendmail daemon start his connection again.

1 comment:

admin said...

alus,,,loba ngorek maneh mah euy:D
kade,,,account urang mah ulah dihapus nya,,,peuepeujeuh...

mun dihapus...kawalat tah.

bisa DOWN kabeh ta ieu:!